Someone with something important to say. Someone with gravitas - yet completely relatable. An inspirational speaker who will convey captivating and meaningful experiences with a message so powerful that it will change your life.
Dr. Douglas Jackson is the President and CEO of Project C.U.R.E., the world’s largest distributor of donated medical relief. Touching the lives of children and families in more than 130 countries, this world-class nonprofit has been delivering life-saving medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics throughout underresourced parts of the world.
Powered by Dr. Jackson's leadership, Project C.U.R.E. has improved the health, wellness and overall quality of life for those living in some of the most desperately impoverished communities across the globe.
But Douglas does not lead from behind a desk. His office is in the favelas of Rio, building a neo-natal clinic; or in Chiapas, Mexico, getting medical supplies to those whose lives have been turned upside down by devastating floods, or working hand-in-hand with local healthcare providers in the civil war-ravaged villages of sub-Saharan Africa.
These on-the-ground experiences have provided Dr. Jackson with unique perspectives about what’s really important, like the pathway to happiness by finding passion and purpose in one’s life, the quiet dignity of service to others, or the responsibility of the fortunate to give of themselves to those whose only misstep in life was to be born impoverished.
Whether you’re planning an event for a business, religious or civic group, academic institution, association or nonprofit organization, his message is certain to resonate with your attendees… and maybe even spark a few ideas that can change lives.
Ensure that your event is nothing short of a smashing success. Lock in a keynote speaker who will knock it out of the park.
It’s easy to make it happen. Click here to connect with Dr. Jackson.
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